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The Benefits of Using a Freight Forwarder for Ocean Freight Shipping

Written by ARIES WORLDWIDE LOGISTICS | May 30, 2023 7:49:00 PM

Need to ship freight overseas but aren't sure about the best way to go about it?

Using a freight forwarding service like ours can save you time, money, and headaches. Here are seven benefits of freight forwarders for you to consider.

#1) Knowledge & Expertise

We know the shipping industry inside and out. We know the complexities of the different shipping routes, post regulations, and customs requirements. 

We also stay on top of industry changes, such as new regulations, fees, and taxes.

All this knowledge can help us avoid costly mistakes, delays, and fines. 

#2) Cost-Effective Shipping Solutions

When you work with us, you aren't just hiring administrative assistants who understand customs regulations and who know how to schedule shipments. You're tapping into a network of relationships we've spent decades building.

These relationships allow us to negotiate competitive rates, optimize your shipping routes, and cut costs. 

#3) Efficiently Handling Shipping Documentation

Shipping documentation is complex and time-consuming. Every country has its own requirements. Some industries have their own regulatory burdens. 

We handle all the documentation to keep you compliant with all applicable laws. Examples could include bills of lading, customs declarations, insurance documentation, and more. 

You avoid delays, fines, and trouble at the port. 

#4) Flexibility and Scalability

We don't just offer shipping services. 

We also offer warehousing, packing, and distribution services.

You can build your business much faster by partnering with us because you won't have to set up all those facilities for yourself. 

#5) Risk Management

Ocean freight shipping involves a certain level of risk. Goods can become damaged in transit. 

We help you manage all these risks. We provide insurance coverage for shipping. We also advise our customers on the most secure shipping routes and transportation methods to minimize the risk of damage or loss. 

#6) Shave Off Shipping Times

There's no way around it: ocean freight takes time. Boats take weeks to get across the water. Plus, it can take time to get your goods from the port to your final destination. 

Fortunately, we know how to minimize that time. 

Plus, you can focus on your core operations while we handle all the headaches of the shipping process. 

#7) Tracking and Tracing

You won't have to make guesses about where your freight might be because we offer tracking and tracing services that allow you to keep track of your shipments in real-time. You'll also have accurate information about delivery times.

This means you'll never have to worry about where your goods might be.  

Contact Aries WW Logistics Today

Freight forwarding just makes sense. If you have goods you need to ship, don't hesitate. Contact Aries Worldwide Logistics to discuss the steps we'll take to make your life easier.